Events and Must Do’s near homes in Studio City

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So what is there to do in the great city of Studio City? Plenty! I’ll go thru some of the favorite must do’s and local events happening in Studio City.

First up is T.V. show tapings. Well its not called Studio City for nothing. One of the best Studio’s to view show tapings is at the CBS Studio Center. Its located at 4024 Radford Avenue. Some of the top shows are taped there such as That 70’s Show, CSI: New York and Will & Grace. This is fun for everyone and you get a peek inside what really goes into making a top Television show. There are 2 ways you can find out about tickets. One is to visit their website at or you use a 3rd party service such as or call (818) 753-3470. Check em out. It’s a lot of fun!


Since were on the topic of TV, we might as well talk about movies. Close by is Universal Studio’s and one of the best attractions to take to get a taste of movie magic is the Universal Studio’s Tour. It has sets from classic and modern films. And if your lucky, you might get to actually see a live taping in progress of an upcoming film. This is an often occurrence actually. It’s gerat to see. Usually everyone on the tram has to be quiet. Just like they say “quiet on the set!”. You can call (818)662-3801 to order tickets.

Feel like something in great outdoors? How about visiting the Coldwater Canyon Park. Its located at 12601 Mulholland Dr. Its a 44 acre park where you can hike, discover a tree nursery and organic garden. And don’t forget to visit the Tree People! Yes, you read right. The Tree People. This is an organization that takes care of this amazing park without any public funding. They just love this place.

The homes in studio city have access to so many things. And this is just the beginning. I have 4 more locations I will discuss in my next post. So stay tuned!!