The Weddington Golf Course in Studio City
So one of the “not so hidden” gems of Studio City is the Weddington Golf Course, formerly know as Studio City Golf and Driving Range. I has been in the area for over 50 years and is adored by the residents of Studio City.
But lately it has been under threat of being sold and over developed. Granted, its a huge pieces of prime real estate in the heart of Studio City, but it being such a landmark for over 50 years, the residents of Studio City love this place and do not want to see this green space taken away. There have been other proposals made. One of them by City Councilman Paul krekorian.
Click on the video below to view Paul Krekorian updating the the residents of Studio City at a Studio City Residents Association Meeting.
One of the earlier proposals were to build between 200 to 500 units…… originally ….. for seniors. But the majority of Studio City residents feel strongly that it would create severe traffic and environmental issues. Amazingly enough, for a century, the golf course has been owned by the same family. But they just don’t see how the city can spend so much money to purchase the land and then turn it into a park since they are not profitable and are always endangered of closing. So they seem more interested is selling to a housing developer. But the local residents are strongly against the idea and are fighting hard to keep it a green space. Either it being a golf course, park or trails. Anything but a high rise with hundreds of units that has a tremendous impact on the quality of life, congestion and air quality. It could possibly reduce the value of existing homes in Studio City if thats the case.
If you’d like to show your support to keep the Weddington Golf Course, go to their facebook page and Like them and let your voice be heard by commenting on their wall.
I will post any new updates regarding this hot issue as new proposals arise or move forward.